Gabriel Mantegna


I am a PhD student at Princeton University, where I research energy systems engineering and policy. My research is focused on developing methods for electric grid planning that will help to increase the resilience of the electric grid to climate change, and also better prepare us for deeply uncertain factors such as changes in demand, technological development, and cost. I employ methods from energy economics, systems engineering, risk analysis, and operations research.

I previously worked at Energy and Environmental Economics (E3), a consulting firm based in San Francisco, where I advised state agencies and electric utilities on their decarbonization plans. While at E3, I helped the California Public Utilities Commission integrate the air quality impacts of electric generation into their decision making process, and I advised the California Air Resources Board on their Climate Change Scoping Plan process. I was also a principal developer of the PATHWAYS and RESOLVE models for energy system planning.

Outside of work, I greatly enjoy planning piano, riding bikes, sailing, and photography. You can check out some of my photography using the link at the top of the page.

My email is Please feel free to reach out if you would like to collaborate!

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selected publications


  1. Simulating sub-daily Intensity-Frequency-Duration curves in Australia using a dynamical high-resolution regional climate model
    Gabriel A. Mantegna, Christopher J. White, Tomas A. Remenyi, and 2 more authors
    Journal of Hydrology, Nov 2017